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    Combining academic rigor and personal self-discovery, these courses will enable you to find deep intellectual satisfaction and empower you to engage ancient wisdom in your practical activities, taking full advantage of life’s opportunities.

    Since 1995, we have been teaching the timeless knowledge of the Vedas, helping generations of students to discover the very nature of one’s true self.

    Life is a Journey
    Wisdom is the Means
    Love is the Aim

    Who we are

    Founded by Marco Ferrini in 1996, the Institute of Indo-Vedic Studies - Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta (CSB)-  has its head office in Ponsacco, Pisa (Italy) and conducts its activities throughout Italy and abroad. It operates mainly on the basis of the free and voluntary contribution of thousands of members and more than 100,000 people, including scholars and followers attracted by the cultural, educational and informative activities through which we seek to offer a useful contribution and value to the individual and the community.
    Born as a recognized non-profit association and for social promotion one, the CSB has been officially recognized by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) and provides accredited training courses for teachers and Italian school staff, in accordance with Directive 170/16.
    The purpose of the CSB is to preserve the philosophic, literary and spiritual wisdom of the millenary knowledge of the Vedas (recognized as UNESCO world heritage), the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Itihasas, the Psychology and Philosophy of Yoga with particular focus on the teachings of Bhakti Yoga, according to the Vaishnava tradition and inspired by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and Ayurveda, making this ancient knowledge available for everyone through educational courses for personal and professional development, seminars, yoga-ayurveda wellness programmes, spiritual journeys to India, yoga retreats, as well as the publication of books, essays, audio and video materials.


    Our goal is to widespread the millenary teachings of Indo-Vedic knowledge, considered of universal wisdom and value, to support the individual in the attainment of deep self-knowledge, and to solve crises and existential, relational, family, and professional struggles, on a personal and social level.


    Ours is a life mission to share the Yoga Darshana and Ayurveda wisdom by means of a contemporary language and with a suitable methodology for the nowadays’ issues. By fostering the dialogue between western and eastern disciplines, we support the individual’s evolution through a holistic approach to knowledge, in order to develop, improve and elevate the human and spiritual potential.

    Purpose of the Courses

    Making available the universal values, knowledge and practices of the millenary civilisation of Bhakti-Yoga, so that everyone can access qualified educational paths towards self-awareness and practices of global well-being.
    Freeing oneself from unconscious conditioning and false beliefs that the consumer society induces.
    Learning how to become better at managing oneself and one's human and spiritual resources.
    Building more serene and fulfilling relationships with others in one's different areas of life.

    Choose your course and study from home!

    Our courses are flexible and accessible to everyone, even remotely, in Italy and abroad, and allow the attainment of official certificates for both a personal and professional development.


    Yoga Psychology for the Development of Human and Spiritual Resources

    Science of Wellbeing Yoga and Ayurveda

    Yoga and Science of Relations

    Yoga Psychology of the Life Cycle

    Yoga Science for the Harmonization of Emotions

    Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra Consciousness and Meditation Techniques

    Psychology and Philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita

    Indo-Vedic History, Art, Architecture and Literature

    Vaishnava Theology


    President and Academic Director: Marco Ferrini

    Marco Ferrini was born in Pisa (Italy) in 1945. After graduating from the Magistero d’Arte of Florence, he began his apprenticeship under an antiquarian of international reputation esteemed by prestigious art museums. In 1967 he launched his professional interior design firm, through which he would collaborate with major Italian and international private clients and some of the most highly regarded Italian and international firms in the field.

    Since a young age, he was drawn to inquire on the most fundamental principles of life and at the age of 31 undertook an ancient discipline and spiritual path. The turning point came in 1976: when he met the saintly Vaishnava A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977), one of the most authoritative representers of the spiritual and philosophical thought of India, ambassador of Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of love) in the West , who became his Master and initiated him with the name Matsya Avatar das.

    After years of several journeys to the most sacred sites of the Gaudiya Vaishnavism in India and of intense spiritual practice of devotional service to his Guru's mission, in 1996 he founded the Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta: Institute of Indo-Vedic Studies, today  recognized by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research), providing accredited training courses for teachers and Italian school staff, in accordance with Directive 170/16. The institution immediately engaged in the spreading of the universal wisdom of Yoga Psychology and Philosophy, with particular focus on the teachings of Bhakti-Yoga according to the Vaishnava tradition, always integrating in the offered curriculum the Eastern vision with the Western one.

    Marco Ferrini's aim is to preserve the holy scriptures and traditions of the Vaishnava, the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Yoga Darshana and Ayurveda, to study them, following academic methods, in their historical and philosophical context, inspired by the teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and widespread through this Centro Studi Bhatkivedanta.

    Characteristic of his activity as educator is an authentic attention to the person, whom he listens to according to his or her needs with humanity, expertly valorises in his or her potentialities, and considers in his or her widest evolutional vocation.

    “In recognition of his contribution to the dissemination of the Vedic knowledge throughout the world, entirely dedicated and without other purposes, to the authentic spirit of Vedas for the wellbeing and welfare of humanity”, in 2012 the President of India and the Chancellor of the Dev Sanskriti University in Haridwar awarded him the gold medal and an honorary certificate along with the academic title of Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa.

    With over 40 years teaching career, Marco Ferrini is author of more than a thousand publications, including audios, videos and books, that, in a modern key, repropose the Indo-Vedic historical, sociological, philosophical, psychological and spiritual thought, within the dialogue between East and West, between modernity and tradition.

    I dedicate the teaching and research work of the Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta to my eternal Well-Wisher and Teacher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, on whose teachings I have based my life.

    Marco Ferrini
    (Matsya Avatar das)


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